WOM once again receives the datakonform data protection seal of approval

In February 2020, WOM WreckOnlineMarket GmbH received the dataKonform Datenschutz-Gütesiegel® for the DSGVO-compliant processing of personal data! The certification covers all processes and systems in which personal data of insured persons as well as vehicle owners and other affected persons are processed. The following processes were audited:

  • Data receipt of partial and fully comprehensive insurance claims
  • Data processing and vehicle set-up
  • Remarketing and determination of residual valuations
  • Sales and citation of complaints

WOM GmbH has already been awarded the data protection seal of approval in previous years. So it was only a logical step to be certified in accordance with the DSGVO changes that have since been implemented. WOM has always treated vehicle and customer data confidentially and only processes them to the extent necessary and regularly trains employees in handling personal data. As part of the certification process, changes in data protection have also been documented and evaluated to ensure that WOM continues to process personal and vehicle-related data successfully. The certification is now valid for two years.